I always compare finishing a MikeVideo to giving birth. These little movies are my babies, and this one joins almost 100 others which I display on my YouTube channel. Most of the images were taken between 2010 and 2013. Preliminary editing began before my ongoing computer troubles. The last problem seems to have been fixed, so editing was pretty much nonstop from Friday evening until last night, when I finally hit the "render" button on my Sony Vegas video editing program.
There are three "moon segments" included in this video. The footage at the end, with wispy clouds hovering over the moonscape, was shot with the camera mounted on a tripod. The footage under the credit sequence was shot handheld and zoomed, and the present video camera I use does not have image stabilization. So I spent a good deal of time, almost adjusting the image frame by frame to a grid, in order to eliminate the shake. It's still there, but not as pronounced as it came out of the camera. It took a good six hours time to "edit" these few seconds of video under the credit sequence.
This is the first attempt at embedding a blog in my website by duplicating the Xanga entries as Blogger blogs. (Wix doesn't support Wordpress or have it's own blog module right now) I'm inputting the HTML code, but am noticing I have to tweak the entries somewhat.
Posted: July 15, 2013 6:12 AM Updated: July 20, 2013 9:50 AM
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